APEX – Dynamic Actions with trigger conditions

APEX – Dynamic Actions with trigger conditions

Dynamic Actions making the difference! This marketing slogan belongs to the fact that the quality and usage of dynamic actions in your application influencing the user experience a lot. It helps to improve the functionality and let the users believe, that they work with a desktop application instead in browser window.

Someday ago I’ve tried to create a dynamic action where a button should be visible or not. I found out that the standard APEX-conditions are not sufficient for me. In detail I had to check two items. The first called P38_DATACENTER shouldn’t be empty OR the second item P38_OPTION must be equal to the string “share”. Unfortunately this condition isn’t possible with out-of-the-box conditions, whether in APEX 4.2 nor in 5.0:Screenshot_APEX_DA_SQLExprScreenshot_APEX5_DA_SQLExprSo I’ve used Javascript Expression with success 🙂 Luckily Oracle had created many Javascript APIs fullfilling all your wishes. Have deeper look here Miscellaneous Javascript APIs

$v( 'P38_OPTION' ) === 'share' || !$v_IsEmpty('P38_DATACENTER' )

$v( ‘P38_OPTION’ ) === ‘share’   (Item equal string=’share’)

|| (OR-operator)

!$v_IsEmpty(‘P38_DATACENTER’ )  (check if Item is not empty/null)Screenshot_APEX_DA_JavascriptExpr



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